Legal notice

Siège social

HEADQUARTERS: 98 rue de Hochfelden - F-67200 Strasbourg
Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 10 49 20 - fax: +33 (0) 3 88 10 82 27
DIGORA - simplified stock company with a capital of 650'000 euros - Strasbourg business register entry n° 404 091 035 - VAT n° FR 00404091035 - Siren 404 091 035 - NAF code 6202A

Property notice

DIGORA is a registered trademark in Europe. All rights are reserved.

Intellectual Property Rights

The DIGORA website ( and its contents are protected by intellectual property law. All of these contents (texts, illustrations, logos, photographs, corporate names, trademarks) remain the exclusive property of DIGORA.


Any reproduction, representation, use, distribution, publication, adaptation or modification, of total or partial nature, of all or part of the website and its contents by any means and on any medium whatsoever, without the express prior authorisation of DIGORA, constitutes an infringement of copyright punishable by the law 335-2 and the following articles of the Code of intellectual property. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement which may result in the civil or criminal liability of the counterfeiter.

All information contained on this site is non-contractual and may be changed without notice.

Hypertext links implemented on the site and pointing towards other sites and in general towards all existing resources on the Internet cannot result in the liability of DIGORA.

The use of this website is the exclusive responsibility of the user. No warranty of any kind, whether explicit or implicit, is made by DIGORA. The right to use the website is granted to you by DIGORA only in digital form and for the sole purpose of viewing its pages for personal use, a right that is non-transferable and non-exclusive.

Trademark law

The trademark DIGORA is a registered trademark of the European Union, including the logo of the brand.
Other brands may also be mentioned. They are in principle recognisable by a capital letter. They are used by DIGORA either with the authorisation of their holder, or as a simple reference to existing products or services.

Any total or partial reproduction, imitation or use of these brands or logos without the prior written authorisation of DIGORA or the brands' respective owners is prohibited and constitutes a counterfeiting offense as per the articles L. 713-2 and L. 713-3 of the Code of intellectual property.


The website and its legal notices are subject to French law.

Owner, publisher and developer of the site

Digora: 98 rue de Hochfelden - F-67200 Strasbourg
Email: contact(a)digora(dot)com
Publishing director: Patricia Thielois

Design and Hosting

Visual and technical design: SWPL
Hosting: Planet Hoster,
4416 Louis-B.-Mayer
 Laval, Quebec
 H7P 0G1
0 805 080 426 (free call from a landline)

Privacy policy

See the Privacy Policy

On our website, we use visuals from different sources, some of which are free of copyright on the condition of proper attribution. Unlisted visuals are subject to licenses purchased by us and do not require attribution.

Icônes de Flaticon :
Icone Cube en 3D par DinosoftLabs
Icone Bar Chart par Freepik
Icone Cyber Security par Freepik
Icone Infinite par Pixel perfect
Photo de Unsplash :
Photo par Cytonn Photography
Photo par Ayoub Allaoui
Photo par Cedric Letsch
Photo par Vlad Hilitanu
Photo par Annie Spratt
Photo par Matt Ridley
Photo par Jeffrey blum
Photo par Austin Distel
Photo par Thor Alvis
Photo par Jene Yeo
Photo par Joey Kyber
Photo par Md Mahdi
Photo par Taylor Van Riper
Photo par Alex Krivec
Photo par Rutger Lanser
Photo par Victor Garcia
Photo par Headway
Photo par Vladimir Anikeev
Photo par Danial Igdery
Photo par Youxventures
Photo par Daniel Photographie
Photo par Amanda Vick
